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5 Ways to Protect your Dog from the Heat

As warmer summertime temperatures approach, it’s important to remember that dogs are vulnerable to injuries and illnesses related to hot weather including heat stroke and foot pad burns. Here are five tips to save your dog from unpleasant surprises.

1. Keep your dog hydrated. Dogs need constant access to clean, fresh drinking water. In hot weather, cold water can help keep your dog even cooler. Add ice cubes and clean, fresh water to help keep your dog cool and hydrated throughout the entire day. If you're keeping your dog outside, make sure the bowl is in the shade.

2. Avoid leaving your dog in the heat. It is best to leave your dog at home indoors with an air conditioner running. If your dog must be kept outdoors, make sure you provide plenty of shade and again clean, cool drinking water.

3. Protect your dog’s paws. Early morning or evening playtimes, exercise, and walks are best. Long summer walks can burn your dog’s paws, especially if it’s a young puppy. Additional protection can be provided by using paws balm for protecting and moisturizing your dog’s paws from burning.

4. Grooming your dog is important in the summer months, especially for long-haired breeds, to get rid of mats and tangles. A tangle-free coat will protect your pet’s delicate skin and help to keep them cool. Plus, if your pet’s coat is dirty and matted then you run the risk of flies laying their eggs and becoming maggots. Some breeds may need their coats trimming to keep them comfortable. Ask a professional groomer for advice or consult your vet.

5. Determine your dog's risk of heatstroke. Heatstroke can be deadly if left untreated. Signs of heatstroke include excessive and prolonged panting, collapse/lethargy, uncontrollable drooling, a deep red hue on the gums, increased heart rate, diarrhea and difficulty breathing. If you believe your pet is suffering from heatstroke, you'll need to act fast. Get your dog into an air-conditioned space. If you don't have air conditioning at home. Give your dog a cool bath. Hold ice packs or cold towels to your dog's head, neck, and chest. Give your dog cool water with ice in it and get your pet into the vet's office for evaluation right away.

Keep your dog cool for a happy and enjoyable summer for both of you!

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